
arch shed Learn more about arch shed

  • How to manage vegetables in summer? Rainproof tips for arched sheds!

    How to manage vegetables in summer? Rainproof tips for arched sheds!

    Since July 24, the largest range, the longest duration and the hottest round of high temperatures have hit since July 24. Look at us vegetable growers. Some people are using the high temperature to clog the shed. Some have just sowed chili seeds and are ready to sprout. Someone has raised the seedlings and waited for the Beginning of Autumn to move again.

    2020-11-08 Summer how to do vegetables management arch shed rain protection tips
  • Intercropping cultivation method of Watermelon and Yam in large Arch shed

    Intercropping cultivation method of Watermelon and Yam in large Arch shed

    In early spring, the intercropping of watermelon and yam in large arch shed can make the harvest and market time of watermelon and yam more than 45 days earlier than that of open field cultivation, thus achieving higher economic benefits. First, the arch shed structure. The width of the shed is 7 meters, the arch height in the center of the shed is 2.5 meters, and the shed has a long view.

    2020-11-08 Big arch shed watermelon and yam intercropping cultivation methods early spring
  • New cultivation techniques of Ganoderma lucidum in semi-underground arch shed

    New cultivation techniques of Ganoderma lucidum in semi-underground arch shed

    The method of cultivating Ganoderma lucidum by covering soil with semi-underground arch shed has many advantages: first, the construction cost of semi-basement shed is lower than that of ground shed, which can save 40% of the construction expenditure; second, it is convenient for water management, as long as it keeps sufficient moisture in the overlying soil layer; third, Ganoderma lucidum grows at one end, nutrition is concentrated, and the Ganoderma lucidum is robust and of good quality. Fourth, the semi-basement arch shed is warm in winter and cool in summer. When the outdoor ground temperature is about 40 ℃ in summer, the inside of the shed is no more than 36 ℃, and in winter it is 3 ℃-4 ℃ higher than the ground. The roof skylight can meet the requirements of light and ventilation. Its technical introduction is as follows

  • Fresh lotus root can be supplied in midsummer. Planting techniques of lotus root in arch shed in spring

    Fresh lotus root can be supplied in midsummer. Planting techniques of lotus root in arch shed in spring

    Fresh lotus root can be supplied in midsummer. Planting techniques of lotus root in arch shed in spring

  • The planting technology of three-film potato in greenhouse in winter has high yield, early listing and good benefit.

    The planting technology of three-film potato in greenhouse in winter has high yield, early listing and good benefit.

    Construction shed: the loose soil land is selected for the construction of large arch shed and small arch shed. Fertilization of cultivated land: deep ploughing and reasonable fertilization before planting. Varieties: precocious varieties with short dormancy period should be selected. Seed selection and soaking: it is appropriate to cut small potatoes or large potatoes and sow seeds.

    2020-11-08 Winter greenhouse three films potatoes planting technology yield high listing
  • Cultivation techniques of lotus root in arch shed

    Cultivation techniques of lotus root in arch shed

    1. Select improved varieties: select medium-ripe, 4-5-node main lotus root varieties. 2. Processing seed lotus root: Choose the main lotus root with strong lotus bud, 2-3 nodes and weight of more than 0.5 kg as seed lotus root, or select large seed lotus root as seed lotus root. After digging lotus roots, plant them as early as possible, and the seed amount per mu is 300-400 kg. Before planting...

  • Construction technology of vegetable greenhouse

    Construction technology of vegetable greenhouse

    Construction technology of vegetable greenhouse

  • Han Wuzhen: the "Pathfinder" for Peasants to increase their income and become Rich

    Han Wuzhen: the

    Han Wuzhen: the "Pathfinder" for Peasants to increase their income and become Rich

  • Planting techniques of cantaloupe

    Planting techniques of cantaloupe

    Planting techniques of cantaloupe

  • Early spring small arch shed zucchini planted in this way, high yield and high quality!

    Early spring small arch shed zucchini planted in this way, high yield and high quality!

    Zucchini, also known as pumpkin, originated in tropical America, is a temperature-loving vegetable, but also resistant to low temperature, has a strong adaptability to temperature, is one of the main cultivated vegetables in the north of China. Do you know? Zucchini planted in small arched shed in early spring is of high yield and high quality.

    2020-11-09 Early spring small arch shed zucchini so planting high yield high quality
  • Efficient Cultivation Method of Potato with Three Film Mulching

    Efficient Cultivation Method of Potato with Three Film Mulching

    In early spring, potato was cultivated in south Shandong Province with three film mulches covering large arch shed and small arch shed and planting ridge. The harvest period was about late April, 40 days earlier than that of open field potato, and the price per kilogram reached 4 yuan. Generally, the potato yield of 667 square meters was 2000~2500 kg, and the income was 8000~10000 yuan. The main cultivation techniques are introduced as follows: 1. The early maturing varieties with short dormancy period, early tuber setting and rot resistance, such as Luyin 1, Jinshu 8 and Zaobai, should be selected for the selection of improved varieties covered with three films.

  • The latest course on the Construction techniques and methods of vegetable greenhouse

    The latest course on the Construction techniques and methods of vegetable greenhouse

    At present, facility agriculture has large output and good benefits, which is a major direction for the development of modern agriculture. At the same time, it has high scientific and technological content, high technical requirements, and a lot of investment. In this way, for ordinary farmers who want to participate, it is very risky and difficult.

    2020-11-10 The latest vegetables greenhouse construction technology methods tutorials at present
  • Management of cabbage after colonization in small arch shed

    Management of cabbage after colonization in small arch shed

    Management of cabbage after colonization in small arch shed

  • What should be paid attention to in the cultivation of Artemisia annua in arch shed?

    What should be paid attention to in the cultivation of Artemisia annua in arch shed?

    What should be paid attention to in the cultivation of Artemisia annua in arch shed? Also ask the netizens who know to help introduce the four key points of planting Artemisia annua with arched shed in autumn, which are listed in detail below for netizens' reference. Point 1, the sowing time of chrysanthemum: generally, chrysanthemum can emerge in 4 days after sowing, but if it is sown after sowing.

  • Autumn delayed interplanting of white radish in Fengjigou Township, Yanchi County, Ningxia

    Autumn delayed interplanting of white radish in Fengjigou Township, Yanchi County, Ningxia

    Autumn delayed interplanting of white radish in Fengjigou Township, Yanchi County, Ningxia

  • Potato covered with small arch shed can be put on the market earlier.

    Potato covered with small arch shed can be put on the market earlier.

    The potato cultivated in the small arch shed can generally be harvested around the end of March of the following year, which can be put on the market about 20 days earlier than the potato cultivated in the open field, with a net income of 800 to 1200 yuan per mu. Select extra precocious varieties such as Dongnong 303. Dongnong 303 generally takes only about 80 days from emergence to being able to dig. It has strong growth potential, oblong tuber, yellow flesh, smooth epidermis, dense tissue, shallow buds, medium-sized tubers, neat and consistent, concentrated tubers and good quality.

  • Cultivation technique of Potato with double Film

    Cultivation technique of Potato with double Film

    Potato double film cultivation technology is a comprehensive cultivation technique with the combination of plastic film mulching and arch shed, which mainly solves the freezing injury of potato in early spring in northern China, promotes potato sowing and listing early, and increases farmers' income. Potato double film cultivation is generally listed 30 days earlier than plastic film potato, the yield per mu can reach 2500 kg, the income per mu is more than 2000 yuan, and the economic benefit is very significant. The main cultivation techniques are as follows: first, the cultivation with double film should be 50-60 meters long from east to west and 6 meters wide from north to south.

  • How to plant red maple seeds?

    How to plant red maple seeds?

    How to plant red maple seeds?

  • Off-season cultivation of seed Sweet Potato

    Off-season cultivation of seed Sweet Potato

    In order to improve the economic benefit of sweet potato, in addition to post-natal deep processing, sweet potato can also be put on the market early through out-of-season cultivation. This paper introduces two out-of-season cultivation techniques. 1. The cultivation technology of sweet potato on the market from May to June adopts the method of storing water between ridges in greenhouse and small arch shed.

    2020-11-08 Species sweet potato out-of-season cultivation in order to improve species
  • Key measures of spring eggplant after planting in arch shed

    Key measures of spring eggplant after planting in arch shed

    First, control the temperature of large arched shed cultivation of spring eggplant, eggplant seedlings after planting to slow before, to close the shed insulation, try to keep the temperature in the shed at 28-30 degrees during the day, 15-20 degrees at night, after slow seedlings, should pay attention to ventilation, so that the shed temperature maintained at 23-25 degrees during the day, generally not more than 33 degrees. 2. Fertilizer and water management In the case of good soil moisture, water as little as possible before the door eggplant walnut is large, so as to improve the ground temperature and prevent flowers and fruits from falling. When the door eggplant egg is large, water is combined, urea is applied 10 kg per mu, and watering times are appropriately increased according to soil moisture.
